Consider yourself as a student with a minimum allowance. You need to finish some task that requires you to make some papers. When you see your computer, you realize that you don't have any MS Office Softwares installed. So what will you do? Are you will go to the warez sites to download MS Office crack softwares? Or maybe borrow the installation CD from your friends? Well, that's all risky. It can make your computer unsafe by harmful software hiding inside the warez. And borrowing is seems like an illegal action due to the software license. So what should we do in this situation?
If you want to find some free software for non-commercial purpose that is free and reliable, you may look for the freewares. Freeware is almost same like the commercial software, the main difference is it's free! Yes, you don't have to pay any charge to download it, and it's still legal to share it with your friends. It also legal software, protected by GNU License that makes sure it will stay free of charge.
Almost all of the commercial softwares have their freeware version. For example, MS Office's freeware version is Open Office. The quality of the freeware is not like the last decade that very poor in features. Many freewares now are quite satisfying and, in some level, pretty similar like the commercial version.
There are various types of freeware, you can choose what software you want and find the freeware version of that software. Wanna play a movie or maybe your mp3 playlist, try to use K-Lite. It's better than Windows Media Player, because it can play some file extension that WPM couldn't play. And since K-Lite contains some code pack for some unknown files for WMP, we can "teach" WMP to recognize them so it can also play them. Wanna editing your family photos but don't have a Photoshop? Try using GIMP. Maybe you need some time to learn it, but it essentially similar. Even Mozzila, Opera and Internet Explorer 8 are freeware. It's same to some lprogram languages like Java and Python.
Wanna have them safely? Download them not from the mirror, but through their official download links. Get curious? Start googling from now! Happy downloading to you all!!
Yafeth T. B.
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